day 10 & 11

10 mei 2017 - Altea, Spanje


No, I did not forget to write my blog yesterday, it was my choice not to do it. And why? Because it was useless to write a blog that only consisted out of two sentences: 

I woke up in the morning and did some groceries. I baked a cake for Pilar and William and after that I layed down on my bed and watched series all day long.

So yeah, that was yesterday. Today was more interesting. It was my last day at the veterinary hospital so I walked 20 minutes in the sun with a chocolate cake...not smart. The chocolate was melting but lukily I was able to but it back in the fridge over there, so in the end, it wasn't damaged much. It was a very busy morning, at one point there was a castration happening, we had to make x-rays of a dog and there was a dog that needed a blood test. I wanted to watch the castration, but Paula told me to go help the others. The dog that needed x-rays had to be lifted up on a table, so I helped Luna with that and after that I had to help William with the blood sampling. 

During the break I gave them their cake and William was so happy that he started to hug me! He said before that he loved chocolate cake, but that all the cake in spain is flat and untasty. Also he has been trying to lose weight since half a year and he hadn't had chocolate cake in over a year, so he was he very happy to finally taste chocolate again :). Also Paula, Luna, Pilar and that other vet which I told you about (I'm so sorry I can't remember his name!) said that they liked the cake very much!

The sad part was, because of the cake, I forgot to bring my lunch. I told Pilar that I wasn't really hungry, however she still called William to say that he should bring food on his way to the hospital. He bought chickenwings and the four of us ate them together. They were very nice and spicy (I like spicy food) and it was fun to eat together with them. 

When I got home (later then I usually would) I wasn't hungry, but I did have to go shopping for diner because the stores were about to be closed. I ended up buying muffins and a bar of chocolate instead of diner...

I am going to continue watching series for the rest of the evening :)

