day 3

2 mei 2017 - Altea, Spanje

Hi everyone!

This morning I was wondering if it was worse walking  uphill or downhill, but at the end of this day I realized I just hated walking in general. My feet hurt like hell and I can already feel the upcoming myalgia in my legs. It was a very stupid idea to listen to the little voice in my head saying: "You're done working for today, I know you are tired, but don't you want to find out what's on top of that mountain over there?".... I reached the top at 20:45. 

But let's start with the beginning of this day. After I woke up, I went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for my lunch, and when I was finished making my lunch, I walked to the veterinary hospital. I met the owners, Pilar and William, and two other vets, Paula and Luna. Luna gave me a tour around the building and after that I had to change into my working clothes (a super awesome surgical pajama). The first patient was a 6 months old kat who drank gasoline. The gasoline damaged her kidneys and the poison was already in her blood. There wasn't anything that Paula could do to save the kat because if she gave the kat medicine, the kidneys would've had to process the medicine, which would've damaged the kidneys even more. After we put her down, there came another patient, a dog this time. He choked on a piece of wood and the owner wasn't sure if the wood was still in his throat. We had to make x-rays to check if everything was okay. The dog probably spit out the wood and was still coughing because his throat was a little damaged, but it should be okay again in a few days. After that we had a dog that needed a bloodtest (I didn't know why because the owner of the dog was Spanish, so they kept talking in Spanish) I had the honor to hold the dog and help Paula with the blood sampling. Then a few hours later, I suddenly felt very dizzy and I passed out. It was probably due to the warm wether and the fact that I hadn't had breakfast. William said that I fell on my head, however the only thing that hurted was my arm. Somehow I managed to scratch my arm on someting scharp and I was bleeding. It was nothing serious and after eating a cookie I felt a lot better. At 13:00, Paula, William and Luna went home and I was alone with Paula until 17:00. In the beginning, Paula and I were having a conversation in English, until a sudden point where Paula said: "wait, why am I even speaking English to you when we both speak Dutch?" It turned out that her mother was born in Rotterdam and she raised Paula bilingual. We talked about the differences between Spain and The Netherlands until Pilar and William came back. At 17:30 I went home again. 

When I came home I discovered that 2 rooms were empty. Apparently, 3 guest that also rented a room in this house went home. It was very quiet and after I finished my dinner I became bored. I was already beginning to feel a bit tired but as I already said, I somehow decided to walk to a mountain and eventually climb on it. That took me almost 3 hours and my feet already hurted a lot. When I got back at my house again, I kicked off my shoes, grabbed a bottle of Cola and bag of doritos and here I am typing my blog while laying on the couch. Tomorrow I will be taking the bus to Benidorm and I am going to continue my journey with grandpa.

Good night!


1 Reactie

  1. Adriek de Man:
    3 mei 2017
    What a nice story about your grand-father! And after 2 weeks Spain you can start think about the Kennedy-mars.