day 6

5 mei 2017 - La Vila Joiosa, Spanje


Why korean you ask? Well, as you know I am a big fan of asian things. Especially things from Japan and Korea. I also LOVE to do Taekwon-do and that happends to be a Sourth-Korean martial arts. I really miss practicing Taekwon-do already and it has been almost a week since my last practice. Tomorrow my club goes to Germany for a tournament and I hate the fact that I can't go there with them BECAUSE I FCKNG LOVE TKD TOURNAMENTS AND I MISS MY FRIENDS :( And besides that, I feel like I've gained 6 kilo's this week because I haven't been excercising and I ate a lot of candy and fastfood.... oops. 

Today was terrible. No, that's not correct. My acts today were terrible. Some of you know that I can be very clumsy sometimes, well, today was "sometimes". My first clumsy act happened this morning in the tram. I was on my way to La Vila Joiosa and I my tram stopped in Benidorm. EVERYBODY got out of the tram and I thought: "oh nice, I guess it won't be so crowded in La Vila Joiosa." I waited for a few minutes in the tram, when I realised (just in time) that my tram was returning to Altea and that I had to switch from tram. Lukily I got out of my tram just in time, however I was too late to catch the tram going to La Vila Joiosa, and therefore I had to wait for another tram for 45 minutes. There was a small good side though: there was this really handsome guy in the tram :) 

My second clumsy act happened when I was about to eat something. I spitted out my chewing gum when the wind decided to blow harder and somehow my chewing gum ended up in my hair. I tried to get it out, but I only made it worse and eventually I had to cut off a piece of my hair....Great :(

The third clumsy act happened when I was walking over the port in La Vila Joiosa. I was walking over the wall to the lighthouse to take some pictures with my grandpa. When I wanted to walk back again, the wall was covered in seagulls ( I am scared to death of birds) so I wanted to get off the wall as soon as possible. There was a stair down but there was a fence in front of it. I decided to climb over the fence. This went all right, however I didn't notice that there was a big stone lying on the floor behind the fence. So after my feet touched the ground again, I was releaved that I didn't fell off the fence and that I got rid of the seagulls, and I was proudly turning around to walk back to the shore, when I tripped over that damn stone. There was this fishermen laughing very hard and I awkwardly rushed back to the village. 

The fourth clumsy thing that happened was that I got sunburned. Appearntly I forgot to cover myself with sun block this morning and now I feel like a lobster. 

Then the last clumsy act happened when I was taking the tram back to Altea. And guess what; I DID IT AGAIN. I completely forgot about the change and again I had to wait 30 minutes for another tram. This time there was no handsome guy :( 

Beside all those things, I did enjoy La Vila Joiosa. It is a very unique village next to Benidorm, with a beautiful beach and a lot of colorful houses. There was also one part of the village, where I somehow ended up, that was very old and poor and there were cats EVERYWHERE. But it was still very interesting to see the differences between a big town like Benidorm and a small not-so-famous village like La Vila Joiosa.

나중에 봐!


1 Reactie

  1. Mariska:
    17 mei 2017
    Je was gewoon mij voor een dag